The agency sounded more of trigonometry draped in the form of an Ad agency. Right on time I say, perhaps a few minutes off. Thanks to the traffic hiccups. Rang the bell, was told to wait for the intended person, she was probably on her way!
Half and hour of ‘Jetwings-magazine’ kept me happily engaged. Some picturesque snippets and some movie reviews and even the quality of content. The light shades of the bamboo blinds made a tapering sound and swayed like waves. The shimmering sunlight made a sneak peek inside from the crevices.
There she came with a familiar smile. Radhika, her name was! I accompanied her to yet another room, and the initial interview norm began. An introduction together with a review (critical appreciation) went on fine. Quite interesting, I somehow liked the way my portfolio was scanned through. Then, the verdict. I would qualify it for a KISS comment.(Keep it Short and Simple).I am a mature writer. I have evolved as a writer. Given the thought that I had not gone through the hard core drilling as a copywriter, whether I would be able to give plight as far as thinking or ideating is concerned, was a debatable issue. Quite a modest opinion of mine I should say. With a set of random examples, it was easily acceptable that did I get the right break under the right person, I would have sailed it smooth as a copywriter.
This was an agency with a five year stand with partners holding expertise in the industry for about 15 years. I was told about a specific account-Varsiddhi and how they evolved from a designer textile showroom like any other, to a value-added, customer centric showroom where the ethics of impressive customer service was showcased right from the scratch. Whether it was the importance of location, the use of lights and decors or a set of well trained employees. Yes, employees were given a crash course on etiquettes – tone modulation, humble & alluring display of sarees, traditional uniforms and so on. Quite an immense input to make it big the smooth way.
This technique uplifted the attitude of all- the customers given a special, royal service and the employees improve their skills. Finally, the brand emerges a success amidst the teaming competitors. The logic was quite simple, but the implementation brought more colours and revenue. That’s called brand building. That’s what a good account calls for. Not merely to display an Ad that’s effortless a try. Small start ups when put best in practice bears a long standing effect and also boosts up the clients confidence to try something ‘out of the box’.
I recall those days where ideas and creativity flowed from everywhere. There would be a mutual growth where one would emerge as an experienced and not just educated for a Degree. Experience at the right place does add a feather to one’s career graph. The world of Advertising is just one place that nurtures talents as they nurture brands! This was a good interaction where I was made to believe that perhaps this is what keeps my instincts towering up each time.
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