Blessings from God can be interpreted in many ways. It need not be that the blessing remains for the lifetime. We humans, often fail to accept or know this fact and hope that a smile or happiness pervades for a longer time. Our heart rather stretches the moment for a longer time, even when it has already passed for a memory. Our heart wishing that had not the things taken a sad ending, perhaps life would be more pleasant. Then all said and done we are made to believe that – everything happens for the good.
We ought to thank God for protecting us from our thoughts that pave way to dreams and desires that seem unattainable because of the Laws of the World, influence of people and the changing attitude of people.
Sometimes certain blessings from God go away smashing our smiles. It is like a breeze and goes away like a tornado with just a few remains left to wonder if it were just an illusion of the mind to make the heart lose itself again.
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