The smoke from the vehicles and the deafening honking added
much more to the traffic block. Not actually a long one but then the ‘Tempo’
was moving inch by inch. Every jerk did wonders by aggravating my subsided back pain. How best I kill the
thoughts is with some random thought bubbles.One such one
Economics theories and researchers spend days and nights
pondering about normalizing the inflation rate in par with the defined set
of taxation policies attached with every commodity (Thank God! We haven’t to
pay tax for the Air we breathe as of now).
Basically, the rich are getting richer and the poor need not to bear the brunt of
taxation because they are the ‘ under PRIVILEDGED poor’ and the middle class
gets to experience each and every pinch of pain. They travel by bus, rickshaw,
train for the rest of their lives and make the best of these ‘Public Transports’
but then .sigh! The public transports have become insufficient to carry the
weight of the tormenting population in every metro. Petrol rates have added a
pricy cherry to all offerings. All that remains same is the image of aam insaan,
jo aaj bhi sarkari waahano mein dhaakke khaake jeeta hai! So the vicious circle of money and
distribution holds ineffective here.
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