Indian Politics stole the stardom off the IPL bandwagon. Where on one hand, there are the big Bollywood stars cheering and promoting their respective teams -whether it be Vijay Mallaya or King Khan and not to forget the sizzling Shilpa Shetty and Preity Zinta. So what if you do not find them on the Big Screen. You definitely see them on the small screen ‘cricketing’ with ‘cheer girls to add some spice or let me correct, to ‘cheer the team’ as put forth. The fame and gossips remain undeterred. This time Deccan Chargers had indeed charged up better and won the trophy. So the Showdom’s off for a while from IPL. South African Tourism had definitely grabbed much more attention! Good holidaying under the pretext of some good strokes of little bit of ‘honest game’.
The recent elections brought in a bunch of surprises, is not it? Jaya Prada, Priya Dutt and Shekar Suman , singer Hans Raaj Hans and even a lot other young contenders hailing from different professional fields. There is fame, power and some say that they have a passion to run a good government for the people of India, ‘the honest way’. Well that again is left to time. The present UPA government under the flagship of the Congress has a better vision for the progress of India. They promise a better government by way of entrusting single portfolios to its newly appointed cabinet ministers does seem a novel implementation. There seems disagreement with regard to portfolio allocation with DMK. Where Mamta Bannerjee seems walking on Cloud 9 having being given ‘Railways’ as her region of rein, Karunanidhi expects a bigger and much creamy share for his party and people in the present cabinet. Its UPA shining anyways..
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