It was a pleasant evening, few minutes after a heavy downpour of rain. I was seated on the terrace. The blue sky was studded with grayish-white clouds and suddenly my eyes stood in disbelief. I saw a rainbow.
The seven colors beautifully layered, making a semi-circular arc across the sky. The moment I saw this spectacle, I could not stop myself from capturing the moment in the camera. Never in my life had I seen a rainbow ‘live’ except those in books and on television. This was a peerless moment for me to cherish for a lifetime.
Rainbow is nature’s exquisite and exceptional creations, the beauty which can be seen on very rare occasions and generally in hilly areas. One would hardly notice a rainbow in a highly polluted city, isn’t it? Well I felt as if on ‘cloud 9’ to get to see this right from where I reside. A privileged few, you see.
‘Wait a minute,’ I said. A day to get rainbow surprises. I saw yet another one appear a little distance above the first rainbow. The second one was a bit blurred yet had positioned itself sufficiently spaced. No compass required to measure the accuracy of the curves. God’s perfect scenic setting that stands matchless to many rustic creations shown by Mother Nature .
Its so amazing that something simple in life can make us so happy...n that too twice :)
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